Thursday, June 04, 2009

Salvation Army

Sometimes, I'll decide to clear out various stuff I don't want for various reasons. Clothes no longer fit, I've changed movie systems, or books have gotten old. Today was such a day. I had 2 huge trash bags full of clothes and movies on VHS. The clothes no longer fit and, I've replaced most of my VHS movies with DVD. A good charity to donate such stuff to is the Salvation Army. They have a thrift store and donation depot in Laurel, Maryland. So, I took the stuff I decided to get rid of and gave it to them. Hopefully, someone still watches VHS movies. Some of the ones I gave them were still in their original wrapper. The clothes I gave them were in good shape too. Someday, I'll have to go in and check out their thrift shop. I've never been in it though I've donated a good bit of stuff to it. For any who might be interested in it, the shop and depot are located just off the exit for Route 1 from MD-32 on Guildford Road. Cheers all!

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