Friday, January 01, 2010


I managed to survive 4 days of doing a full route AND delivering an additional half route. However, the work took it toll. I'm seriously wiped. Worse still, I don't believe the post office where I work is out of the woods yet. My boss apparently thinks the regular who sprained their collarbone falling on ice is going to be 100% next week. I don't think he will be. If that's the case, we'll have to split his route up delivery wise. That will lead to more annoying shenanigans like we had earlier this week. Those are getting really old.
More incredibly, a sub who may have scammed her way out of way for the Christmas holiday had the cheek to call in and dictate what routes the sub would work. The alternative is the sub won't work any and, we'll be royally screwed. This is totally ridiculous. Since when can a substitute carrier decide what routes they're going to work? The kicker is this sub will get away with this. As I've previously reported, it seems next to impossible to be fired at the Postal Service. Though, I'm getting to the point where I may test that maxim myself. Want to bet I won't get the same slack the others have?
So, the year 2010 isn't starting out well for me. God only knows what drama I'm going to have to deal with this year. It shouldn't be this ridiculous. The only alternative I see is resigning from the Postal Service. However, if I do that, what do I do job wise? That has been the major problem I've faced the 3 and a half years I've stuck it out there. God still hasn't shown me a decent alternative. It's very frustrating. Stay tuned for more updates in this absurd saga.

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