Sunday, January 17, 2010

Review on Bill Cosby CD

Last week, I listened to Bill Cosby's "When I Was Growing Up" CD. This is a review on it.
Bill Cosby remains one of my favorite comedians. His material doesn't seem to age. Plus, it's nice in that it doesn't contain any profanity or other nasty stuff. It's simply very funny and enjoyable to listen to. His CD "When I Was Growing Up" has a number of excellent pieces in it. In one of them, he tells of his attempts to hypnotize his brother Harold. During one such attempt, he sends his hypnotized brother in to smack his Dad. However, the scheme falls apart when Harold informs his father that Cos hypnotized him. Another hilarious one is where Cos tells of when he found a frog at camp. He puts the frog in his pocket. The frog makes normal frog sounds from his pocket. Cos gets the idea there is money to made here. He bets a friend 50 cents that he can make his left leg (the one with the pocket holding the frog) burp. He claims to made over $500 off kids at camp doing this. Cos later uses the frog in a prank on his Dad. While his Dad isn't looking, he slips the frog into his Dad's glass of milk. When his Dad reaches for the glass, the frog comes out of the glass surprising his Dad. His Dad ends up on the floor with the frog sitting on his forehead.
The CD has a total of 8 skits. It was recorded live at the Westbury Music Fair theater in October 1970. All the skits feature stories about Cosby's childhood vice other CDs which tells of his various misadventures as an adult and parent. The CD was Cosby's biggest hit during the 70's and, it's obvious why as it is extremely funny and poignant. Any listener will be taken back to their own childhood when things were a lot more fun and innocent. My only complaint with this CD is its length. It runs approximately 35 minutes. I big time wanted more stuff on this CD. 35 minutes isn't nearly enough of this great comedian and man. If you want to listen to something that will make you laugh and never grow old, you should buy Cosby's "When I Was A Kid." It is an excellent CD.

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