Saturday, January 02, 2010


Not wanting to post constant depressing post office tales, I thought I'd tell of my latest funny misadventure.
I tried to think of something special to do at midnight on New Year's. Finally, I decided to drink 1 of the bottles of wine I'd bought in France during the Globus La France tour I did in September 2008. These were the bottles that I discovered to my dismay I couldn't carry on board my flight back to the states and consequently had to buy another travel bag so I could pack them in my suitcase. I decided to drink the 2003 Chardonnay. I put the bottle in my fridge to properly chill.
I had a time uncorking the bottle. The reason for that is because the cork had dried out because I'd let the bottle sit upright so the wine wasn't touching it and keeping it somewhat moist. Finally, I managed to get the cork out and poured some of the wine into a wine glass I'd bought years ago and rarely ever used. I had to dust off the box when I pulled it off the shelf I'd stored it on. The wine to my taste was very good though I'm definitely not any kind of expert on wine. That was when I did something that turned out rather embarrassing. I proceeded to drink the wine like it was water. I drank the entire bottle (standard 750ml bottle) in about 25 minutes or less. Wine is not like water as this wine was 12.5 percent alcohol. Also, I apparently didn't have much in my stomach so there wasn't much to slow down my body ingesting the alcohol. In less than an hour, to my surprise, I was sloshed. I had to put my hand against the wall when I tried to walk and, I made a LOT of corrections in my typing as I tried to post things on the Internet. When I laid down to go to sleep, I was out like a light and slept like a rock.
It was kind of fun getting toasted as I haven't drank anything alcoholic in months (I think). The wine brought back very pleasant memories of the trip to France. It was a great trip. As I've mentioned before, I can't wait to go on another one. God willing, that will be in approximately 5 months. It seems like ages away. I may have an interesting alcohol adventure then as one of the optional tours is to a Guiness warehouse. I've tried Guiness. It tasted very yeasty. However, I've heard people swear fresh Guiness was the stuff. We'll see. Hopefully, I'll get to try some while I'm there (fingers crossed). Cheers all!

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