Thursday, March 30, 2006

Columbia Mall

I visited Columbia Mall yesterday. I haven't visited that mall in a while and wanted to see if there were any Pug dogs at the Today's Pet petshop. Sadly, they didn't have any Pugs. I still dream about getting a couple when I one day buy a house. I also treated myself to a smoothie at The Great American Cookie shop. They make pretty decent smoothies there. Then, I walked around the mall. In my opinion, not much has changed there. I think I got some looks thanks to my long hair. I've been letting it grow just because I can now that I'm retired from the military. It's been fun letting it grow long. It also goes well with the Medieval Times theme. If I get to go into the Air Force Reserve, I'll have to get it cut. That will be a serious bummer. Still, I'm hoping I'll get to go into the Reserve. I'm still waiting for word on the test I took this month. If I pass it, I get to go into the Reserve. We'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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