Saturday, November 11, 2006


It's been over a week now since I got back to work. It's been both good and bad. I've enjoyed playing castle guard at Medieval Times. It's fun to put on the costume. I also try to do what I can to make it enjoyable experience for every customer I come in contact with. If a customer wants to take my picture, I'm always willing to give my best pose. I also gladly stand by them if they want to do a group picture. I also try to get better at working the spotlight. I try to keep it on whoever I have to spotlight no matter where they're moving which can be challenging. I've been lucky that I have a nice boss in S&L. After being late last Saturday, I'm making a special effort to keep him informed of my work schedule at the Post Office.
Post Office wise, I finished learning rural route 7 this week. The route is interesting in that it is a combination of routes. It has 10 condominiums, 5 kiosks and a mounted part where the carrier delivers to 200 plus homes. The easiest part of the route is the mounted part. For the most part, you never have to leave the truck. You can drive right up to the mail box, open it, take out any outgoing mail, put in the incoming mail, close the box and drive to the next box. The bad part of the route is that there are a lot of deliveries on the route. It's rated at something like 8.8 hours which means it will likely take me 12 plus hours to do it. Aargh!!!!!
I've enjoyed delivering Express Mail at the Post Office. It's a challenge to get it all delivered by noon. The only downside to Express Mail is the hours. The person who does express can figure on working no more than 3 hours. That's better than nothing but it isn't that great.
Working at SHARE wise, I haven't been able to. Worse still, because of my lack of reliability because of my jobs at the Post Office and Medieval Times, they've turned to a temporary hire who by all accounts is doing a good job. I wish I could work more there but it just hasn't been possible. I suspect I'm going to have to let this job go. They need someone who they can depend on to be there every day and I'm not that person.

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