Thursday, April 27, 2006

Medieval Times Update

Monday, the Medieval Times I work at held their auction night. What auction night is is where employees use the medieval money they've earned to bid on items the particular castle has put up for auction. What is medieval money you asked and why does the castle put up various items up for auction? Medieval money is an incentive to get employees to a) be on time for work and have their costume or uniform look good and b) go the extra mile i.e. help set up for a special event or make your sales quota. Used properly, it is (I think) a really good reward tool for employees. Now, if you're going to give out medieval money, you have to have something the employees can buy with it. That's why the particular castle goes out and buys various items that it puts up for auction. For this particular auction, the castle I work at had approximately $2,000 worth of stuff for bid. There were gift certificates, perfume and soap sets, food, a tv/dvd player, a mystery gift which ended up being four cans of WD-40 and a bicycle, and a foldable lawn chair. The one item I would've liked to have won was the cordless power drill. I doubt I'd use it much but, it could've been handy. Overall, I think it's a nice program and a good way to reward the employees. Since I'm new, I didn't have squat for medieval money but, I look forward to the next auction where hopefully I will and I'll be able to win something. We'll see.

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