Monday, April 24, 2006

Lord of the Rings Update

I found out about two interesting webpages. The first has five pictures of the new Lord of the Rings film exhibition in Wellington, New Zealand. What is particularly noteworthy about the pictures are the ones showing the Umbarian corsair ship and the model of Minas Tirith. It would be so cool to get to see those models close up. The link to the page having the pictures is:

The second noteworthy webpage is one that has a short interview with Sir Ian McKellen. McKellen reveals in the interview that he initially thought Peter Jackson was over his head with the Lord of the Rings movies and he expected them to flop spectacularly. This page can be found at:

UPDATE 12/30/12: The t-shirts mentioned in this last paragraph aren't available anymore from Sir Ian McKellen's website sadly. Nor did my order go through for reasons I forget now.

Lastly, I finally ordered two Gandalf t-shirts. Sir Ian is something of an artist and did a self portrait of himself as Gandalf. This drawing was made into something that could be pressed onto a t-shirt. I thought it was neat looking plus I really liked the fact that McKellen was willing to answer questions from fans about the Lord of the Rings movies. Today was the day I finally got around to ordering a couple of the t-shirts. I plan to keep one for myself and put one in the family Christmas grab bag. The Christmas grab bag is a family tradition whereby everyone buys stuff during the year for the grab bag. On Christmas day, when we get together, we dump all the stuff into the bag. Then, the bag is dumped out and the fun begins. Each member of the family gets a turn taking something from the pile. It gets interesting when there is an item that two or more members of the family want. If you might be interested in the t-shirt, it can be found at: (DELETED).

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