Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Dr Best Soda Review

While shopping at the Columbia, Maryland Wegman's store, I noticed that they had a soda called Virgil's Dr. Better (made by Reed's Inc.). As I understood it, this was their version of the classic soda Dr. Pepper. While I'm not a big fan of Dr. Pepper, I decided to try this soda.

It comes in 12 ounce bottles in 4 bottle cartons and sells for $3.99 at Trader Joe's (see note) and Wegman's (if they have it, the Columbia, Maryland store doesn't at the time of this review).

The soda has no caffeine unlike Dr. Pepper, uses unbleached cane sugar unlike Dr. Pepper which uses high fructose corn syrup and has no preservatives unlike Dr. Pepper which uses sodium benzoate. All of these are pluses in my book.

Taste wise, I compared the two and, I feel (for what it's worth) that Dr. Best has a smoother and creamier taste than Dr. Pepper making it the better of the two sodas.

The only down side to Dr. Best is it is more expensive. This is a gourmet soda made with the finest ingredients (supposedly) and, you pay more for that.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this soda if you like Dr. Pepper. It is very good. Happy Drinking all!

Note: Per this post by Trader Joe's dated August 21, 2014, you can expect to pay $4.49 for a 4 pack of this soda in West Coast, Pacific Northwest and Southwestern parts of the United States of America.

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