Sunday, July 19, 2015

Breckenridge Farms Kosher Baby Bills Pickles Review

Dollar Tree Stores offer a number of Breckenridge Farms products. One of them is their kosher baby dills pickles. The pickles come in a 17 ounce glass jar and have approximately 15 pickles per jar. Calorie wise, they are low in calories coming at 5 calories a piece for every 1 and a half pickles. Taste wise, these are pretty good pickles. They do have a nice kosher dill taste to them. Price wise, like the majority of items at Dollar Tree, they cost $1 per jar which I think is a pretty good deal.

Overall, I was pretty pleased with these pickles and plan to buy more of them. I'd definitely recommend them to people who like pickles. Unlike other products at Dollar Tree, you should be able to find these at most of their stores. Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely love these pickles!! If you havent tried them,stop by Dollar Tree and get a jar of the kosher baby dills. They are great!!