Sunday, August 23, 2009

End of an Era

To my shock, I found out Pastor R. B. Thieme Jr. died last Sunday. I've listened to Thieme's bible doctrine lessons for years. I found him an incredible teacher of the word. He was also very unique. Gruff, tough and times abrasive and yet, he was an incredible teacher. His teaching of the word has helped get through numerous personal crices. So many times when the crap was or seemed to be hitting the fan, his teaching would calm me down, give me hope and help me focus on the solution instead of the problem. I got to see him twice during a bible conference he held in Pensacola Beach some years ago. It was an experience to see him in the flesh. I wish I could've known him better. I was very saddened to hear of his death. In my opinion, he was an incredible man and pastor. My consolation is that he is "absent from the body and face to face with the Lord in a place of no more sorrow and no more tears." While his son Bobby carries on his great work of disseminating bible doctrine, I will miss him and I know other tapers will too.

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