Thursday, August 06, 2009

Back to Work

I had to go back to work today. I can't say I was thrilled. When I met the U.S. Customs official at the Toronto Airport, he asked if I liked my job. I told him no BUT, I do like the money I make. I think that sums it up. My job at the Post Office is a royal pain BUT, it pays for my trips and my cool new toys. In a couple months, I hope to buy a Yamaha TMAX scooter. I'd like to get it now but, I wouldn't be able to ride the thing as you have to have a motorcycle license for a bike with an engine that large (499cc). My job at the Post Office will be paying for that TMAX scooter. It'll also be paying for my future trip to Ireland (I can't wait). So, I guess I can't bitch and moan too much about my job. Considering how things are job wise in the U.S., I should count my blessings I have one. Plus, tomorrow I'll get to do my favorite route. That's all for now. Cheers!

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