Friday, March 30, 2007

Grueling Two Days

I had two very hard work days this week at the Post Office. I was determined to have Tuesday off this week so I shut my cell phone off so they couldn't call me. As luck would have it, they were short carriers Tuesday and tried to call me in. As they couldn't get me, they cut back the mail that didn't have to go out THAT day. (Don't get alarmed. All the important mail was delivered.) Bad luck for me, the next day I got to do one of the routes they cut back on. I was seriously swamped. I desperately tried to catch up but it was an uphill battle. I hoped that I might get lucky package wise and have only a few to deliver. My hopes were dashed as one lady alone received 20 packages over the two days I had to do rural route 7 and she lives on the third floor on her apartment building. The only good thing I could say about Wednesday and Thursday was it helped me go into overtime. I should get over 13 hours of it this week. Still, I'm big time wiped out. Next week, I'm supposed to have 3 days off BUT the Post Office has been expecting me to help out on the city routes on the days I'm not working the rural routes. I'm debating whether to help out on the city routes or not. So far, I haven't been able to make up my mind. We'll see what happens.

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