Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm a bit sad at the moment. I just got back from the tour's farewell dinner. I know I only knew the people in our group for 7 days tops but, I'm still very saddened to have to say good-bye to them. They were another great Globus group. The groups are one of the things I like so much about Globus. You meet such great people. It can be a trip. Today, we played Get Acquainted Bingo. You have 25 blocks like a regular bingo board. You have to fill them in with names of people on the tour AND, you have to be able to identify them. The second part is the hard part. I had to go over the names on my card again and again to make sure I could identify them. I made a point of talking to those people so I could better remember their names. Those same people were rooting me on when we played Get Acquainted Bingo. To my delight, I won. Because I'd gotten to know them, I was very sad when it was time to say good-bye. I know I'll be going on a second Globus tour in just 2 days but, I'll still miss the people I met on this one. I knew them if only for a short while. Thankfully, our tour director did get a group photo so I'll be remembering them for a while. May they all have safe journies home and may I one day be blessed enough to get to meet them again. Cheers all!

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