Friday, July 17, 2009

Contact Lenses

Yesterday, I started wearing contact lenses again. I've worn them off and on for a number of years. They have their plusses and minuses. They're more convenient than glasses. I think people look better with contacts than glasses. They don't slide down your nose like glasses do. On the other hand, you have to mess with trying to put them in your eyes or when it's time taking them out. You have to carry wetting drops in case they dry out on you. You have to mess with saline solutions if you want to clean them or when you're first putting them in. I found another plus for them with me riding my scooter. My helmet doesn't have anything to hit and twist when I'm putting it on. I managed to bend my glasses frames while trying to put my helmet on Wednesday. That's when I decided it was time to wear contacts again. Since, I started wearing them, I've had a lot easier time with my helmet. Another plus, I can use the sunglass screen in the helmet without any problems. With glasses, I'd have to put them in high on my face to avoid having the screen hit them. So, I'll be wearing contacts whenever I'm riding my scooter.

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