Saturday, July 05, 2008


Yesterday, I listened to my last cassette tape from R. B. Thieme Bible Ministries. Thieme's ministries decided to phase out the tapes. I suspect there were a number of reasons. Blank CDs would be cheaper to buy, to ship and you can put more lessons on them. My first MP3 CD from them had 35 lessons on it. In cassette tape terms, that would've been a box and a half of cassettes. I'm saddened to see them phase out the cassettes though. For all those who listen to Thieme's teaching, it was a badge of honor to say you were a taper. I've listened to Thieme's tapes since 1992 when Dr. Christopher Seidlitz, the head pastor of the base I was stationed at, recommended them to me. I've listened to over 1,500 of Thieme's tapes. Because of the tapes, I made a special effort in 1997 to get to see Pastor Thieme in person when he did a bible conference in Pensacola Beach, Florida. It was something to see the man in person. It saddens me that Pastor Thieme was struck with Alzheimer's disease. He was an incredible and fascinating pastor. Luckily bible teaching wise, his son Bobby took over the reins and teaches in the same manner as his father. On Sundays, I go to a church group where I listen to live broadcasts of Bobby's sermons. Some day, I hope to visit Thieme's church in Houston, Texas. I'd like to see the actual church where Pastor Thieme preached for over 50 years.
For now, I guess I'll be called a CDer as I'll be listening to the lessons on MP3 CDs. Today, I'll listen to my first lesson on my first MP3 CD. Also, I've sent in my order for my second CD. Still, I'll miss the tapes.


Anonymous said...

We have watched dvd's for a few years now. We still consider ourselves "tapers". DVDers just doesn't have the same ring to it!
Berachah is a really neat place. Much different than you probably imagine.
I had visited as a child back in the early 80s. My husband and I visited back in 1999 for the Col's 50th anniversary. It was wonderful seeing all the people come out to honor him. We went because we wanted to visit the church while he was alive, rather than for his funeral or a memorial service. I think we made a wise choice.

Ditto said...

Awesome to hear from fellow tapers! I bet it was neat to visit there in 1999. I will never forget the one time I actually got to see Col Thieme. He was doing a bible conference in Pensacola Beach, Florida. I lived an hour away. I was so excited at the prospect of seeing him that I booked a room at the hotel so I wouldn't miss any of the conference. It was neat. It was funny too. To my embarrassment, Thieme for some reason will put me to sleep unless I'm well rested. The first day of the conference, I sat in the 3rd row. The a/c was going full bore so it was very cool and relaxing in the room. I forgot that Thieme could put me to sleep. After 15 minutes, I started nodding off. After that, I moved back to the 15th row so if I did nod off, it wouldn't be so conspicuous.

Anonymous said...

A little story you might get a kick out of. My friend and I have been tapers since 1981. In 1985 we caught wind of I Pastor's conference being held in Fort Wayne IN. Not being Pastor's we decided to go anyway. We had a great time, and at the end of the conference everyone was assembled on the front steps of the church for a group picture with the Col. I don't know how it happened but my friend and I were standing next to the Col, one on each side. We were supposed to recieve a picture from the hosting pastor, but it never happened. We still joke about it today and I always tell my friend that I was on the right hand of the Col and he was on the left. We were fortunate to have seen the Col at many conferences thru the 1980's and 1990's. Truly he is a courageous man to whom I am forever indebted.

Ditto said...

Thanks Anonymous for sharing your meeting with the Col. He really is something. I wonder what he would say about the events that are taking place now.

Unknown said...

It is sure nice to write to a taper or a CDer who listens to the same bible material as I do. I think the Col would encourage us to keep plugging and don't stop. I'd love to write you via email sometime.

Ditto said...

Hi Christina, thanks for your comments about the Col. They had a substitute pastor in for the Col's son Bobby the Sunday before last. He gave a great set of sermons where he said that very thing about continuing to listen to doctrine and staying on that path. It isn't an easy slog but, I think it's worth it. I know doctrine has done a lot for me and gotten me through some tough times. In regards to emailing with you, lets exchange comments on our respective blogs for a bit first. I don't like giving out my email address to people I don't know even though you are a taper which makes you pretty cool in my book. Question: How long have you been listening to the Col's teachings? Just curious. I've been listening to him since 1991 or so. Hard to believe it's been that long.

Unknown said...

I started listening to Thieme back when I was a teen in the 80s, but I judged Thieme on someone else's lifestyle and stopped listening to the material. Looking back, I'm glad that it happened that way, because I was positive and don't know how I would have handled it being positive without not being allowed to order the Col's material, for I know for a fact my father would never have allowed the material in the house.

Then my brother died was reintroduced to it and have been a loyal taper and CDer ever since. I will never stop listening and learning doctrine from our church ... EVER .. for I swear I could write pages upon pages of how doctrine has saved my very life. Had it not been for the teachings I learned I would have been dead and would have given up on life long ago.

I also long for good friends who are positive towards doctrine.

I have one, but I'd like more.

Ditto said...

Hi Christina, it's great to see you're so positive on doctrine. It's too bad that your dad wouldn't approve of it. You could've gotten involved with far worse stuff as a teenager. It's always nice to associate with people who are positive to doctrine. I belong to a very small group (there are 3 of us) who listen to live broadcasts every Sunday of the Col's son. It's really nice to meet with them. The only bummer is it's a 30 minute drive each way. Because of that, sometimes I don't make it to the meetings. I can be terrible about kicking myself out of my apartment.