Friday, July 11, 2008


I made my 2nd payment on the Globus Egypt tour I hope to take. I confess I'm a bit impatient about paying the trip off. I want it and the cruise I hope to take in 2009 paid off now. As it is, it'll take me another 5 months to pay the 2 trips off. 5 months is a long time and a lot of payments. Oh well. I'll just have to make myself be patient and wait. Thankfully, only 2 months till I get to on a Globus tour of France. Next month, I'll get the travel documents and my 3rd Globus carry bag. That's when the trip becomes more real. You get to see the tour itinerary, your tour number and you receive your name tag so every one in the group can know your name. It's pretty neat stuff. Plus, it's exciting travelling internationally. I can't get excited travelling in the states but I can when I travel overseas. To me, foreign travel is exciting and an adventure. Sometimes too, it has been a bit of a misadventure but those give me something to laugh about months later. I'll never forget my trip to Iceland because of all the mis-adventures I had there. 2 months to go till France and 2 months to go till the Egypt tour is paid off. I can't wait.

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