Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hard Day

Yesterday, I had a hard day of work at an alternate post office I sometimes work at. One of their regular carriers injured his foot and, his doctor put him on mandatory rest for a week so it could heal better. The Postmaster at that post office asked for me to cover the route. I assumed I was going to get a day of training with the regular carrier and so took my time arriving at that post office. I got one huge shock when I found out I would have to do the route cold turkey. There wouldn't be any training and, because I'd taken my time getting to the post office, I'd wasted 20 minutes I could've been casing mail. It ended up being a slog. Normally, mail routes follow a path of right turns. This one did anything but that. Also, the directions weren't clear where I should deliver mail and where I shouldn't. I found myself doing a number of u-turns so I could go back and deliver to boxes I'd missed. Lastly, I had a time finding addresses on the mail case because I didn't know it.

I managed to get the mail delivered for the route and, I took some comfort knowing I'll do better tomorrow. I'm scheduled to work at the alternate post office today and Thursday. I hope things will go better. We'll see. Cheers all!

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