Saturday, October 03, 2009

Finished Up at Small Post Office

Yesterday, I finished up on a route at a small post office where I've worked the last 4 days. The regular carrier will be back to work Monday to do the route. I've really enjoyed working at that post office. There hasn't been any drama. No wondering who is going to call out just because they don't feel like going into work or they're hungover. Also, there hasn't been any bs like I can't do a bump because I have a prior commitment but, they won't tell you what the alleged commitment is. Instead, I've been able to concentrate on doing the route and enjoying chatting with the Postmaster and other carrier as I cased my mail. I found the customers on the route nice. One lady at a business was so pleased with me making sure she got her package, she called the Postmaster and gave me a compliment. The Postmaster was really pleased.
Today, I get to work at my regular post office. It should go well barring me having to take a bump off another route. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that won't happen. If it does, I'll remind myself I have my motorcycle safety course next week to look forward to. It looks like the course will definitely go. I can't wait. Cheers all!

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