Sunday, May 31, 2009


I used my Yamaha scooter for one of the purposes I bought it for. I needed to run to my credit union to deposit my monthly retirement check, my latest paycheck from the Post Office and a small refund check I received in connection with my Individual Retirement Account (IRA). My credit union is located in town so it would be an easy trip for my scooter. I had no problems getting there and depositing the checks. From there, I drove to a Burger King close to where I live. I'd clipped some Burger King coupons from a coupon packet I'd received in the mail. One was for buy 2 Whoppers for $5 (you save 98 cents). Also, I wanted to try their new burger bites (they were good and were the same size as White Castle hamburgers). I suspect the cashier was surprised to have someone pull in a scooter. I used one of my backpacks to carry the burgers home. I didn't notice any great wind resistance with the backpack thankfully. I plan to use it again when I need to make a fast food run or small item (a CD or DVD) shopping trip.
Gas wise, I can confirm I do get over 100 miles to the gallon. I've driven over 60 miles on my scooter and, I just hit the halfway point on the gas gauge. I've also noticed that I do get some respect from drivers. I've ridden bicycles on main roads and gotten honked at. With my scooter, no one has given me a hard time.
Overall, I'm pleased with the scooter barring the idle problem. Its annoying to have to keep revving the scooter when I come to a stop. My gas milage might be even better were it not for that. I plan to call the motorcycle dealership tomorrow and see if they have the new tire in. If so, I'll see if I can drop it off, walk over to Best Buy for a little while then, come back and ride it home. Cheers all!

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