Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tax Rebate

I heard from the IRS yesterday. They told me how much of a tax rebate I'm going to get thanks to the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. I'll receive $574.45. My first thought was "don't spend it all in one place." My second thought to myself was "do the imbeciles in Congress really think that is going to help me stimulate the economy." In my opinion, the Economic Stimulus Act is a joke. The money I'll get back won't make any dent in the economy and help very little in my finances. I see it as a sign of just how wacked out our representatives are in Congress. I also see it as a sign of how they just can't keep their stinking hands of my money and it is MY money, not theirs. I've rarely been so thoroughly disgusted with the buttheads in Washington as I am now. They continue to outdo themselves for sheer stupidity. I guess I ought to be grateful that they gave me back some of MY money but, I'm not. I'm not looking forward to next year as they'll take back all of the tax rebate thanks to them not making the tax cuts permanent. I'm certain we're headed for some hard times ahead and it will be largely due to the imbeciles in Washington D.C.

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