Sunday, May 18, 2008


I had a bit of a scare this past Friday morning. I was scheduled to work Montpelier Rural Route 2 at the Post Office. I got up early, had breakfast, got dressed and rushed out the door. I put my key into the door lock to lock the door and it wouldn't go in. I tried again and it still wouldn't go in. We've had a few break-ins at the complex where I live and I wondered if someone had tampered with the lock. As I wasn't about to leave my apartment unlocked, I called my supervisor at the Post Office. She hadn't come in yet so I left a message letting her know what had happened. Then, I searched for the number for maintenance at my complex. I couldn't find it but, I did find the complex office number on the web. I called that and they gave the number for emergency repairs. Subsequently, I called that number. A lady answered the phone. I told her my problem and she assured me she would pass it on to the maintenance person who would call me back within 10 minutes. Within 7 minutes, the maintenance person called. I explained to the person that I couldn't lock my door and I had no idea why. He said no problem and he would arrive in 20 minutes.
After about 20 minutes, the maintenance guy that was on call arrived. He inspected the lock and found out that a pin had come out. It was the pin that was preventing me from locking the door. He decided to replace the entire lock. That took only about 15 minutes. He tested the new lock and he had me try it too. It worked fine.
After that, I quickly drove to the Post Office where I got to work on the route I was scheduled to work. Because we are tight sub wise, they didn't have any one to cover for me. I was lucky in that the mail was light that day. I was able to get caught up in about an hour and hit the street at my normal time.
The door lock has been fine since. I was so pleased with the maintenance person who replaced the lock that I sent an email to the complex manager commending him for his work. I hope he gets to see the email. I was very grateful for his quick response and work.

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