Thursday, December 07, 2006

Medieval Times

I recently found out about another benefit a person gets working at Medieval Times. Once they pass their probation period, when Christmas comes, Medieval Times awards them a gift certificate they can use in the gift shop. This year, we were given $75 gift certificates. I thought it was really nice of them. I used mine to buy a fleece lined sweatshirt type jacket, a hat and three decks of playing cards (I like to fiddle with cards when I'm bored). I was very pleased with the stuff I bought thanks to the certificate.
Work wise, the my job in sound & lighting continues to be fun. I still enjoy playing the part of a castle guard or dungeon master. Working one of the spotlight continues to be a challenge as you have to work to maintain concentration during the show. After you've seen the show as many times as I have, it's easy to let your mind wander. I also strive to help out where ever I can. Yesterday, I saw they needed help taking chairs down from the tables and setting up the candles and condiments. I jumped in and did what I could until it was time for me to take one of the posts as a castle guard.
People wise, I continue to marvel at the high turnover we have in people. Part of it is that a number of the employees are kids (17 or 18 year olds). They get bored and decide to move on to something new. Part of it too is some of the jobs aren't everything the folks think they're going to be. One kid I know who was working as a squire decided to quit. I suspect he found out that the squire job is demanding and not all fun. As a squire, you groom and tack the horses, during the show you're constanting running to get weapons for your knight or setting up various contests (small ring spear, large ring spear and jousting lanes) and lastly, you get to scoop up all the horse poop (Yuck!). It isn't all glamor being a squire.

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