St. Emilion Wine Merchant
This is a wine shop in St. Emilion, France. I took this picture during my September Globus tour of France. I decided to post it here because I didn't use it with the story I posted on the Globus exchange travel stories website. They only allow you to post 4 pictures with every story and, I wanted to show more of the town itself and the vineyards around it with my story. Still, I like the photo and I hope you like it too. The box of plants to the right of the picture are grape vine plants. You could even buy your own grape vine at this shop. I thought that was pretty neat.
Concerning my France stories, I've finally finished them. I've posted 9 of the stories on the exchange travel stories website. I'm letting the other 3 sit a little. I've found that once I write something, it's good to let it sit a little because, it's easier for me to come back and catch typos and improve it then. All totalled, I ended up writing 12 stories on the France tour. It took that many because of the word limitations they have on the story website and, because I got to do a lot of cool stuff. I really enjoyed the tour. The only thing I didn't enjoy was saying good-bye to those in our group. That's always the hardest part of the tour for me. One of the nice things about Globus tours is you get great camaraderie. More so, I think with the long tours. By the time the tour ends, you have a lot of friends and, it's hard to say good-bye to them. Also, you know you won't ever see most of them ever again. I do take some consolation in that I'll get to meet some more really nice people on the next tour. Slowly but surely, the Egypt tour date is getting here. It isn't moving fast enough for me and it never will. The minute I finish one tour with Globus, I'm itching to go on another one. If I had my druthers, I would spend all my time doing tours with them and seeing the world. Sadly, I can't afford it. Oh well. Maybe it helps me appreciate it that much more when I do get to go on a tour. Cheers all!
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