Thursday, November 13, 2008


Everyone enjoys a holiday but, I confess I don't like them if I have to go in and work a route the next day at the Post Office. The reason for that is that the mail doesn't stop moving just because it's a holiday. If you have a day off at the Post Office, you'll be facing 2 days worth of mail when you come back to work. That is seriously bad news as it is a royal pain to have to case and deliver 2 days of mail. The main reason I hate Mondays so much at the Post Office is because of that.
Yesterday was a prime example. Normally, I would have 2 tubs of flats (newspapers, magazines and cards advertising whatever) waiting for me. Because we had Tuesday off because of Veteran's day, I had 7 tubs waiting for me. Plus, I had to case Pennysavers too. My spirits sank a bit at the sight of it then, I buckled down and got to work. One nice thing about the route I was on was that once the mail was cased, I wouldn't have to mess with it again vice packing it up and putting it in the person's mailbox. Routes where you have multi-mailboxes, you have a 2nd mail sorting which can be a real nuisance.
Because of the heavier mail volume, I got out on the street later and consequently got back later. I got back to the loading dock at 5:45 p.m. which in my opinion wasn't bad. I seem to be delivering the mail faster on the route I did. Thanks to the sun going down earlier every day, I had to use my miner's light for the first time. I used it so I could see the addresses on the mail to make sure I put the right mail in the right box. Nothing pisses off customers like them getting the wrong mail. Some of them take their anger out on the mail itself by writing all kinds of things making it clear they got the wrong mail. A simple note saying wrong address will do. I doubt the people who get the previously mis-delivered mail appreciate the previous person's artwork. I know I wouldn't.

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