Monday, November 24, 2008


I got a nasty surprise from the apartment complex where I live. It seems that upper management who run the chain of properties that my complex is part of decided that all the tenants in my complex were going to get cable whether we want it or not and we are going to pay $45 a month for the cable service whether we want to or not. Apparently, an addendum to my lease allows them to do this. I'm furious. I don't want cable tv. I don't own a tv and, I don't miss it at all. So, for now, I'll have to pay the additional $45 a month starting January but, when it comes time to renew my lease in October 2009, I'll be telling the upper management where they can stick their mandatory cable bill. Hopefully, I'll be able to find a place in the town where I live that's reasonable. All the new apartment complexes that have been built recently are more expensive. We'll see what happens.

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