Sunday, June 17, 2012

Prince Caspian Review

Yesterday, I finally got around to watching my Prince Caspian DVD. I very much enjoyed The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and had looked forward to watching Prince Caspian. I found myself somewhat disappointed with the movie. Supposedly, they tried to make it darker and less religious. I think they succeeded there though I don't think that helped the movie. At times, it seemed absurd how whipped the Narnians would be and then, we're to believe they some how rally one more time. Also, Prince Caspian played by Ben Barnes seems a bit of a nitwit at times screwing on Peter Pevensie's plan to attack his treacherous uncle's castle though Barnes did look the part of handsome noble prince. One interesting take the director Andrew Adamson did with the movie was make the Telmarines very Spanish. I think you can see in them shades of the Spanish Conquistadors who were equally treacherous. Adamson increased the number of special effects in the movie vice the previous movie The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe but, he did a good job of not letting them overwhelm the movie. One particularly delightful character in the movie was Reepicheep, the swashbuckling mouse.

Overall, Prince Caspian is a nice movie though I don't think it is as good as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I would recommend for those who want to understand some points better like how the Telmarines took over Narnia to read the book. I look forward to checking out the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Stay tuned for a review on that. Happy movie watching all.

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