Thursday, July 05, 2007


I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. Mine was terribly uneventful. I used it to catch up on some things like laundry and grocery shopping. I made a trip to the credit union so I could deposit my paychecks and my retirement check. I had nice conversations with Harvey and my Dad. I found out from Harvey that he paid off the Scandanavia trip. Now, both of us get to wait for our documents from Globus. The documents are the official notification from Globus that were going. I don't remember if there is anything in them we have to give to our guide when we reach Copenhagen. There will also be a couple luggage tags that we're suppose to put on our luggage. Lastly, they'll contain information on optional tours we can take while we're on our tour. An example would be a trip to the Wasa Museum in Stockholm. The Wasa Museum is a museum the Swedes built to hold the Swedish warship Wasa which sank on its maiden voyage. It was top heavy and capsized. Thanks to it sinking in lots of mud and the cold waters of the Baltic, it was superbly preserved. In the 60's, the Swedes raised the ship and a museum was built for it. It is the only surviving 17th century warship in existence (I think). I plan to sign up for that trip. Another optional tour is one where you can see Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-tiki and Ra ships. Heyerdahl was a famous adventurer who proved via the Kon-tiki that it was possible that people in South America could have had contact with the Polynesians. A documentary film was made of Heyerdahl's Kon-tiki voyage which won an Academy award. I think it would be interesting to see the ships.
I found out from my Dad that my sister Ellie will be flying home for a visit in a couple days. I hope she has a nice time.
For me, the rest of the week, I'll be working at the Post Office. The primary carrier for rural route 10 took the entire week off so she could go to Myrtle Beach, North Carolina. She was really excited about it. I had mixed feelings . I was pleased to get 40 plus hours i.e. a very sweet paycheck but, I hate doing her route. Recently, we received three more new substitute rural carriers and my supervisor had to find work for them. He decided to take rural route 7 from me so he could give it to one of the newbies. I wish he'd taken rural route 10. I like 7 because it has a nice mounted part. 10 is all multi-boxes. Also 10 has a lot of people that move in and out which means you end up taking a lot of mail back to the Post Office where you try to forward it on (depends on if they put in a forwarding order). It promises to be a hard week.
That's all that is happening at my end. This coming Sunday, I hope to visit the Laurel Museum. It's a small museum run by the Laurel Historical Society. I'm curious to see if it's any good. I plan to write up a review on it for I'll let you know what I thought of it. Cheers!

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