Machu Picchu

Above is a picture I took of the famous lost Inca city of Machu Picchu. I took the picture as I was coming down from a hike to the Sun Gate. The Sun Gate was one of the primary ways the Incas entered the city of Machu Picchu. The gate is located 990 feet about the city and has stunning views of the city and the valley below. Our local guide Rudy asked how many intrepid souls wanted to try the hike up to the gate. I was 1 of 8 crazies who decided to do it. It was one heck of a hike. It took us at least 2 hours and, I was never so glad to see the top as when I FINALLY reached it. The thinner air really kicked my butt. Still, it was neat doing the hike and, it gave me another memorable adventure on this incredible tour I took of Peru in January.
I was searching Peru Tours online because I am going on vacation with my family soon and came across your blog. Very good and entertaining read!
This picture is great. I've been counting down the days until my trip!
Thanks to both of you for your kind comments. I really enjoyed Peru. The tour director and local guides were awesome. The Inca stuff in the Sacred Valley was fascinating. It was awesome to get to see Machu Picchu. It is really impressive. I don't know if I mentioned it or not but, you can get an interesting souvenir that doesn't cost anything. Some where at Machu Picchu, they'll stamp your passport with a stamp that you can only get there. It's a really neat memento of your visit. I think everyone in my tour group got it done.
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