Friday, July 03, 2009


I received my travel documents for my upcoming tours with Globus. It was something to look at them. The tours are really going to happen. I'll get to play the world traveller again. It should be a blast. Plus, it'll be great to get away from the Post Office. I've been working lots of hours and, it's taking its toll. I earned overtime this week and, I'll do it again next week. The money will be nice but, I'm going to enjoy more the travel it pays for.
I'll be curious to see what kind of groups we get on these tours. All the tours I've taken previously were 12 or 13 days. The U.S. tour will be just 7 days. Globus markets it for people who have never done an escorted tour before so, I may get to see a bunch of newbies. That'll be interesting. The U.S. tour should still be good. It has lots of neat things to see and experience. Colonial Williamsburg is great and, Richmond is nice. It'll be something to see the Gettysburg battlefield. I read Michael Shaara's novel The Killer Angels. Plus, I watched the movie Gods and Generals. During the tour, the group will get to see a famous Lincoln re-enactor perform. Presumbly, he'll do the Gettysburg Address. That should be good. Lincoln's speech is outstanding.
The Canada tour should be equally good. I'll finally get to see Niagara Falls and, it'll be something to wander the streets of Old Quebec City. I'll get to see plenty of historic Canada during the trip. At the end of the tour, we have our farewell dinner at the CN Tower which should be pretty cool. The Canada tour will be interesting also in that it's sold out. We should have the largest group I've ever travelled with (something like 50 people). I hope the seats on the bus are decently spaced. I hate having my knees pressed into the seat ahead (I have long legs). We'll see. Stay tuned for more travel updates. Cheers all!

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