Saturday, May 06, 2006


I bought four movies on DVD today. Best Buy has some movies on sale for $5.99 and I decided I couldn't pass that up. I ended up buying Flashdance, Trading Places, Stargate, and The Saint. I've seen all of them except for Stargate which I bought in VHS format but never got around to watching (problems with my VCR). They should make a nice addition to my movie collection. I'm hoping Best Buy or Sam's Club will have Apollo 13 and Mannequin on sale some time. I'd like to get those on DVD too. I'm slowly replacing all my VHS movies with DVDs. DVDs in theory will never wear out whereas videotapes do. Also VCRs sometimes eat them (definitely not a good thing).
On a different note, I got to try an Orange Julius at Dairy Queen. There is an Orange Julius/Dairy Queen right across from the Medieval Times where I work. I've tried one of their smoothies and wanted to try an Orange Julius. Basically, an Orange Julius is an orange flavored smoothie. I found it all right. I plan to try out some of the other smoothies they have there. I'll let you know how those are. Cheers!

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