Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I recently got to read an article on The Da Vinci Code novel. I'd heard about the book and how supposedly it was filled with inaccuracies and false conspiracies. Because of that, I wasn't in any hurry to buy it. The article by confirmed what I'd heard. According to the article, the Da Vinci Code book and forthcoming movie states that Jesus was an ordinary man, that he married and had a daughter with Mary Magdalene, that Mary Magdalene is to be worshipped as a goddess (yah, right, NOT!), that daughter gave birth to a family line that continues to this day, that Mary Magdalene was directed to create the church instead of Peter, a secret society was created that worships Mary Magdalene to this day, Catholic Church has done whatever it can including murder to destroy that secret society, and that the Catholic Church has tried to wipe-out the family line that originated from Jesus and Mary's daughter.
While the Catholic Church has not been the most saintly organizations throughout the centuries, I can't believe that it would murder those who found out about the so called secret or try to exterminate a family line. I have to suspect the author of The Da Vinci Code has a serious grudge against the Catholic Church. It also seems to go with a number of articles now a days that try to deny Jesus's divinity. I suspect the articles are because the faith of Jesus doesn't play well with the anything goes crowd. No matter how you play it, Jesus and the Christian faith don't approve of sin. They say we should try to avoid sinning though if we do, we should repent of what we've done i.e. acknowledge what we did was wrong before God and through Jesus's saving work on the cross, we will be forgiven. The anything goes crowd don't care to admit they did anything wrong at all.
Based on what I read on the article:, I'm going to pass on The Da Vinci Code book and movie. I'd recommend other Christians do the same. It sounds like just another attempt at attacking the Christian faith which sadly seems in vogue today.

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