Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Job News

I've gotten good news the past week. I was asked to learn a fourth route at the Post Office. I took this as a compliment. It also means I can work for the Post Office another full week which means another butt kicking paycheck. I told the Post Office I'd be glad to do it. I just want to give the folks at Medieval Times a little breather before I disappear for another week. My boss at Medieval Times has been good to me and I didn't want to mess him over.
I also got a payraise to my surprise from the Post Office. I went from $16.45 an hour to $17.51 an hour. That was really nice news. I just wish the work wasn't so hard. I continue to make newbie type mistakes which can be really frustrating when I'm trying my dangdest to get all the mail delivered and get back to the Post Office. I think I'm getting better BUT I'm just not getting better as fast as I'd like. It makes it something of a battle everytime I go out to deliver mail.
I don't know if I mentioned it or not in previous posts but a second substitute mailman quit at the Post Office where I work. I was really surprised that he quit. I first met him when we were doing our initial processing. He was so enthusiastic when he started. He was also a source of encouragement when I've been struggling at the Laurel Post Office. I have no idea why he quit. It saddened me greatly to hear the news. He was a really nice person. I hope things work out for him where ever he moved on to.
Medieval Times wise, I'll get to learn the job of executioner tomorrow. It should be fun. You get to interact a lot more with the customers and try to drum up business for the spoof picture they tack of people in the stocks. The executioner is supposed to have his tongue cut out i.e. he can't talk so that makes it more of a challenge character wise. I've come up with some ideas for the character but I'll have to run them by the head of sound and lighting to make sure they're all right.
Chancellor wise, one of my co-workers in security may become the second Lord Chancellor. Supposedly, he was asked to read the script and the person in charge of the actors/actresses was impressed. He also has the chancellor look. To create something of a conflict for me, one of my best friends in gift shop is also up for the chancellor part. He also looks the role. I'm glad I'm not the one deciding who going to get the job. They're both super people who have paid their dues at Medieval Times. They both deserve the part but unfortunately only one can get the role. In regards to me doing the role, I was interested it but I have doubts whether I can do it. I still wish I could be a squire. Oh well.
We replaced all the old sand in the arena at the castle. Horses have calls of nature just like people do though unlike people, they let rip where ever they happen to be. Many times, they let rip in the arena during practices and shows. While the squires try to get all the crud up, small pieces do remain in the sand. These small pieces do rot and begin to stink. The castle can spray the sand with some stuff that deadens the smell BUT in time, this fails to take care of the problem. The only thing left to the castle is to replace the sand with entirely new sand. That's what they did this past Sunday. It's incredible how much nicer the new sand looks in the arena. We could have a mini-beach party down there now.
Besides my co-worker who may become the second Lord Chancellor, another person in security may leave. One of the old timers in security (and in my opinion one of the best people they have) has an interview at a chemical plant. I'm hoping he gets the job. It would help his family enormously and the guy deserves a good break. He is a super nice person and a very hard worker. I don't think the folks at Medieval Times have appreciated him as much as he deserves. Hopefully, lady luck will be kind to him and he'll get the job at the plant. We'll see.
All of this means considerable change in security. Personally, I'd like to leave security too but I have found one drawback to working in sound & lighting. The folks in sound & lighting don't get the hours the folks in security get. Pay wise, the two departments are about the same. I'm surprised sound & lighting doesn't have the personnel problems security has at times. I can only guess the reason for that is because working there is more fun and it is more prestigious. Fun wise, you get to wear a costume and be either the dungeon master, executioner, or one of the castle guards. Show wise, you are more a part of the show in sound & lighting than you are in security. The people who work the spotlights, sound system and special effects are crucial to the show. This puts you higher on the ladder than if you're in security. From what I've seen, security is big time at the bottom.

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