Sunday, July 30, 2006

College Update

I figured I'd better post something on this. For the past month, I've been falling behind on the college class I was taking at the University of Maryland. There were two reasons for this: work and the class itself. I've been putting a lot of hours in work wise and the last thing I felt like doing when I'd get home was work on either the reading or writing assignments. The second problem was the class itself. The professor really poured it on assignment wise with at one point, three consecutive 300 page plus weekly reading assignments. I wonder if she realized that some of us had to work. Because of these two items, I fell behind in the class and it was going to get harder and harder to catch up. Finally, I decided to withdraw from the class. I hated doing that as it meant throwing the $1,348 tuition down the drain but I just didn't see any point in continuing with it. So, I went into the base education office and withdrew. I'll have to take the class again this fall and hopefully, I'll be able to keep up then. We'll see.

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