Friday, September 12, 2008

OkCupid Update

I finally gave up on OkCupid. I got tired of them trying to match me up with women older than I am or women that were terminally ugly. Also, the site is rife with liberals. While most of the time this didn't cause me a problem, I got tired with the Sarah Palin bashing that is raging on the site. In my opinion, she is a wonderful woman and a very smart pick for Vice President by John McCain. I never would've thought he would've picked her. She has done wonders for electrifying the conservative base in the Republican Party as well as caused a serious dilemma for Barack Hussein Obama. Obama passed over Hillary Clinton for his V.P. pick as well as some other qualified female Democratic Party members. I'm sure the women in the Democratic Party are giving him no small amount of grief over that.
Anyway, maybe, I'll give Conservativematch.Com another try once I get back from my trip to France. We'll see. Cheers all!

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