Thursday, July 12, 2007


I visited a person I knew at Medieval Times today. Herb, also known as Sven, was the chief castle guard at the Baltimore/Washington Medieval Times that I used to work at. After I gave notice and left the castle, I didn't have any contact with anyone from the castle nor have I visited the castle since. I tried to contact Herb because I ordered a chainmail shirt which I latered cancelled. Since I was leaving the castle, what did I need a shirt of chainmail for? I asked for a refund and Sven promised to give me my money back. Unfortunately, I didn't get my money back before I left and, I didn't feel like calling him as I was leery of having any contact with anyone from the castle. I sent Sven a postcard reminding him of the refund I was owed and, I didn't hear anything from him. I assumed my money was gone. It was a great surprise when I heard from Sven yesterday. He had my money and, he wanted to give it to me. He suggested I come over the next day. I said "Sure!"
Sven lives in the Northeast part of Baltimore County. I'd never visited that part of Maryland so it was interesting to drive out there. I found Sven and his wife live in a small home there in a pleasant enough neighborhood. When Sven contacted me, I was stunned to find out he'd left Medieval Times. Sven had been there since they opened the Baltimore castle. He is extremely knowledgeable about the Medieval age. He is fantastic around kids and he did an awesome job of working one of the spotlights. I couldn't imagine the castle without him. They have lost someone priceless and who was very devoted to the castle.
We chatted about the castle. I found out Randy, the person in charge of the actors at the castle, was found to have a benign tumor the size of a football. After the operation, he started taking therapy which continues to this day. I hope its successful. I also found out that the new storyline should be out in November. I'm curious about the new show and, I'd be willing to go back to the castle to see it. I found out that Corwyn, who became the new chancellor, is doing an awesome job. I was delighted to hear it as Corwyn paid some serious dues at the castle. He worked there for 3 years in security before finally getting his shot at chancellor. He is also a super person and is a case where a good person came out on top.
Sven showed me his weapon collection and some of the weapons he was making. He told me of his re-enactor days when he was Duke of a re-enactor Duchy. It sounded seriously cool. Sadly, a real life schemer became Chancellor and ultimately dethroned Sven and became Duke. I hope one day Sven and his wife can start a new group as I'm sure it would be an awesome and fun group.
Sven also mentioned his movie career. One day, you may get to see him on the silver screen. He has been auditioning for various parts. I hope he gets one as it would be cool to see him in the movies providing it isn't a horror flick. If it is a horror flick, I will congratulate him on getting the part but, I'll pass on the movie. Sometimes, I have too good a memory. When I watch a horror flick, the images stay with me a LONG time. If I want to sleep well, it behooves me to stay away from horror flicks.
It is amazing how time flies when you're having a good time. I arrived at Sven's house around 1 p.m. In no time, I found it to be past 7 p.m. It was time to head back. I'd enjoyed hearing the stories of Sven's family and their various adventures. They've done some incredible things and, they're not done yet. He and his wife have a great zest for life. I look forward to visiting again, hearing more of their adventures and finding out about some cool part he'll win in some movie.

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