Sunday, June 04, 2006

Movie Review

I went to Blockbuster Video Friday to see if I could rent the Lemony Snickets movie and ended up renting that and the Disney cartoon movie The Black Cauldron. This review is on The Black Cauldron.
I found the animation in The Black Cauldron very well done. I also found that the story moved along well and Disney did a good job quicking informing the watcher on background that causes the conflict in the movie i.e. the Horned King and his search for the Black Cauldron. The movie had its funny moments i.e. when our heroes had to deal with the wacky evil witches. The movie also sends a nice message i.e. the importance of friendship. My only complaint with the movie is I thought it was too short. The movie lasts just 80 minutes. It has to be one of the shortest movies I've watched in some time.
Overall, the cartoon movie is very nice and would be excellent for kids. Adults may not care for it as it isn't particularly deep. I think Disney intended the movie for kids. My complaint of its shortness would be a plus with kids as kids won't get bored with this movie. The movie also sends a good message for them and doesn't contain any nudity or foul language (a serious departure from so many movies now a days). It is one I'd definitely recommend parents buy for their children. As far as adults go, I think most would pass on it unless they are something of a kid at heart. I know I am. I very much enjoy children classics such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Jungle Book (bear necessities, oh simple bear necessities, those are the worries of life). If you're looking for a good wholesome movie for kids, you can't go wrong with The Black Cauldron.

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