Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Original IQ Tester Game Product Review

Recently, my friend Harvey and I had lunch at Aunt Sarah's Pancake House at 4205 Broad Street in Richmond, Virginia. While there, my friend Harvey reached over and started playing a game they had at our table (it was a demo model). The game is called The Original IQ Tester. It's made by Venture Manufacturing in Dalton, Georgia. The game is simple and yet challenging. It consists of 15 holes placed in a series of triangle patterns forming a greater triangle on a wooden board. You put 14 white plastic pegs in 14 of the 15 holes on the board. Then, you try to eliminate the pegs through jumping to where you have 1 peg left on the board. You can jump sideways or diagonally. You decide which hole to leave open at the beginning of the game. You earn points depending on how many pegs you have left at the end of the game (3 pegs left - 10 points, 2 pegs left - 25 points and 1 peg left - 50 points), or for advanced players if you can have the last peg end up in the hole you left open at the beginning (100 points) or more challenging still, you leave 8 pegs remaining on the board with no further jumps possible (200 points).

Venture Manufacturing sells the game for $7.99 at their website: Should you lose too many of the white plastic pegs, you can order a replacement pack of 21 of them for $1.99. You may also be able to find the game as I did at Aunt Sarah's restaurants. They have 2 locations in Virginia.

Overall, I was really pleased with this game. I've found it challenging and, I like that there aren't any batteries. The game is small, light and easily packable. It's a game you can easily take with you on trips. Also, it is nice that it is made in the United States. I would definitely recommend it. Happy playing all!

Update December 14, 2014:  I placed an order for this game on the mentioned website. I got a shock when I found they'll charge you $10 for shipping. That's more than the cost of the game! So, I think Venture's shipping charges are high. You have been warned.

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