Saturday, December 25, 2010

An Update

I haven't posted in a couple weeks so I thought I'd post an update on what has been happening at my end of the woods. However, first let me wish any readers I have a very Merry Christmas. Hopefully, you were good this year and, Santa gave you lots of wonderful presents.
Concerning myself, my last 3 weeks has been work, work and still more work. The holiday season is the busiest time of the year for the U.S. Postal Service and, this one was equally busy. We were swamped with 3 or 4 times the normal number of packages we get. I think mail volume was down somewhat due to the poor economy but, there was still plenty to do. Work wise, things will gradually start to lighten all the way till the fall when things will start to pick back up again.
Travel wise, my trip to Peru is slowly but surely getting here. I have approximately 3 weeks till my trip. I can't wait to go. I found out the tour date I signed up for is sold out. That means there'll be a large group (40 plus) on this tour. I suspect the tour director will have their hands full. Also, I discovered that Peru has a special passport stamp you can get at Machu Picchu. It looks seriously cool and, I'm going to get it put in my passport when I visit there. I found out all the hotels I'll be staying at in Peru have free WiFi so, I'll be taking my laptop. Any readers I have can expect to see updates on here during the tour.
Riding wise, I continue to ride my TMAX weather permitting. It is cold riding the bike but, I don't care to have it sit in the garage. It does seem like it's windier during the winter vice the summer. I don't know why that is.
Lord of the Rings stuff, I bought some items from Weta Workshop including an signed copy of Alan Lee's Lord of the Rings sketchbook. I believe I previously reviewed that book. It continues to impress me with its fantastic artwork. Weta has reported that it's working on a Rivendell miniature. Supposedly, it'll be one of the largest its made. Because of its size, it promises to be very expensive. However, I plan to buy it if I can. I think it'll be very beautiful.
Concerning the Hobbit, Peter Jackson continues to fill various roles in the 2 future movies. One actor let slip that he'll be flying to New Zealand in January to being swordfighting and horseback riding training. I wouldn't think it'll be too long after that when they'll begin shooting the movies. I can't wait to see them and experience the magic of Middle-earth again. The 2 movies should be outstanding.
That's all to report for now. Again, to all my readers, may you have a joyous Christmas and an even happier and prosperous New Year.

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