Sunday, August 27, 2006

Medieval Times Update

I walked into the Arundel Mills castle where I work and found out to my surprise that the castle was celebrating its third year anniversary. It opened on August 22, 2003. It claimed that over 750,000 had attended the show at the castle though I would dispute that figure. I know the castle gets a lot of repeat business. I personally attended the show several times. The reason I did that was it is a great place to take visiting friends and family for a fun night out. I know of school kids who went with their schools and later got their family to go. There is no question the castle has been a major success for the Medieval Times chain. Because the mall concept proved so successful with the Arundel Mills castle, Medieval Times has built a second castle in the Atlanta area attached to a mall. That castle opened this month.
The anniversary coincided with an anniversary of sorts for me with Medieval Times. I've now been working for the Arundel Mills castle for six months. It's hard to believe it's been that long. The time has really flown by. I definitely feel like an old hand now at the castle. I've enjoyed various aspects of working there while hating others. I will be prudent and won't illuminate the things I haven't enjoyed about working there. Overall, I've liked working there and would recommend Medieval Times as a potential second job employer. Money wise, it isn't something you could pay the rent on. I think it is an ideal job for a high school student or one just starting to attend college. You should earn enough to pay your car insurance and cell phone bill and have some money left over for spending money. I can't give any advice if you wanted to make a career at Medieval Times. I have no clue what the various managers make. I do know they have a manager training program. In order to apply, you must've worked at Medieval Times three years and have a Bachelor's degree. Right now, I don't see myself applying for that. I don't see myself staying at Medieval Times that long. Hopefully, I'll have a long term job set up some where else in three years. Right now, I'd guess it would be at the Post Office but we'll see. One thing I've learned during the past year is nothing is definite.
Lastly, in four days, I'll celebrate of sorts being retired from the Air Force. I can't say I'm happy about that. I liked the Air Force and miss it. I fear my years there will be the best ones of my life. I know I did a crappy job of preparing for life outside the Air Force. I believe I did that because I didn't want to face the prospect of life outside the Air Force. It was something I didn't want to think about. I remember every time I thought about it feeling a cold chill go down my spine. Not thinking about something doesn't prevent it happening, it only makes things worse. So, now I get to face the consequences of my fear. I scramble around blindly trying to make a new life for myself. With God's help, I'll hopefully make a new successful life for myself. We'll see how it goes.

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