Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bible Doctrine

I thought I'd tell you about something that has had a big impact on my life. If you don't care to hear about religious stuff then, you'll want to skip this post.

Back in 1990 or 1991, I was having some personal problems. I had a lot of anxiety, low self esteem, and I felt I was a failure with the ladies (this matters to a straight guy). I got counseling which helped but it didn't solve the problems. They kept coming back and, I was getting pretty discouraged. The counselor I was seeing to my surprise recommended I see the base chaplain. The base chaplain at the time was Dr. Christopher Seidlitz.

As far as I can remember, I believed in God and I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior however,  I wasn't very religious. I occasionally went to mass and occasionally took communion. But for the most part, God didn't play a prominent part in my life. I was highly skeptical that Chaplain Seidlitz could do anything for me. I mean what could learning how to say a particular prayer or knowing a particular doctrine do for helping me feel better about myself or help me deal with some of the worries I had at the time. Still, I figured what did I have to lose.

Chaplain Seidlitz turned out to be a very nice man. I enjoyed chatting with him and, he became a friend. It was Chaplain Seidlitz who told me about the bible doctrine tapes. What the tapes are are lessons in bible doctrine by a pastor named Robert B. Thieme Jr. He was the pastor of Berachah Church in Houston (his son R. B. Thieme III is now the pastor there). The tapes are no nonsense teaching of the word of God. Thieme believed that God gave us everything we needed to deal with life's problems in the word of God. All we needed to do was learn it, metabolize it, and use it. My reaction was yah, right. Still, Chaplain Seidlitz stayed on me about listening to the tapes and strangely, my life did seem to get better. I gradually got myself to regularly listen to them and funnily enough, I began to manage and solve the problems that had plagued me. Ultimately, I was able to solve my problems myself with use of the tapes. Since then, I've had other life crises including the transition I'm going through right now from military to civilian life. The crises have been hard but, I've found that the teaching in the tapes has helped me handle them and get through them. If you're going through a tough time in your life and you're receptive to Jesus Christ, you might want to give the tapes a try. They don't cost anything except the time to listen to them. You can find a link on my blog to where you can get more information on the tapes (R. B. Thieme Jr. Bible Ministries). I can't promise they'll be the answer to your problems but, they may help. I know they have helped me with problems I've had in my life.


lee said...

Hi, keep the doctrines metabolized and let us be victorious in every aspects in out christian life. Happy to know people who are positive to bible doctrines.


Unknown said...

My grandfather found R.B. Theime Jr. in the 1950's - he was amazed that Colonel Thieme taught striclty from the oringinal languages, Greek and Hebrew of the Bible - and how this revealed the ABSOLUTE and 'sharper than any sword' accuracy of the Word of God.

Consequently I have been graced by God to have learned the Word under R.B. Thieme Jr. for many years - and I can unequivocally say without hesitation it has had a lasting, profound impact on my life. Oringinal languages of scripture is the way R.B. Thieme taught for 50+ years - he is the greatest pastor-teacher of his time, perhaps of this century.

Please stick with the tapes - they (along with your positive volition and epignosis) will deliver you the most amazing spiritual life imaginable. I've seen it.